QR_Barcode OCR

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Everyday Device into High-Performance Scanners.

Turn everyday smartphones and tablets into powerful barcode scanners with our advanced software. Replace costly hardware, boost efficiency, and integrate seamlessly—saving you time and money with tools your team already knows.
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The Scanner that Powers
Samsung’s Knox Capture Platform

MachineEye Barcode Scanner has been adopted by Samsung
for its Knox Capture Platform since 2021 May.
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➊ Compatible with over 00+ Devices (Smartphones)


➋ Used Globally in over 00+ Countries


➌ Adopted by 00+ Companies

정보 필요
1,2,3 “00”에 해당하는 숫자 필요

아래 Feature 열거하는 섹션의 style 예시
[Section 3 디자인 & 퍼블 형식: 탭 있고, 탭을 누르면 새로운 화면으로 전환되게끔]
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Advanced Features of MachineEye Barcode Scanner

❶ Designed to
Read the Tiniest Barcodes

MachineEye Barcode Scanner ensures fast and precise scanning on what’s printed in tiny sizes, also enabling frontline workers to scan codes from a long distance.
  1. how small까지 가능?
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❷ Powerful to Capture
Multiple Barcodes
in a Single Scan

Stop wasting time scanning barcodes one by one. Accelerate your workflows by scanning dozens of barcodes in a single scan and boost worker productivity instantly.
  1. 한 번에 인식 가능한 바코드 수는?
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❸ Flawless Performance in the
Harshest Environments

Even with warped or damaged barcodes, our advanced scanner reads accurately using a built-in redundancy feature. The embedded AI model intelligently reconstructs missing data by analyzing the barcode’s typical structure, ensuring zero scanning failures—no matter the condition.
  1. Q. 손상된 바코드도 인식 가능? 어떤 tech가 사용됨? Error Correction 기능이 있는 QR codes, PDF417, Aztec, and Data Matrix codes에만 해당되는건지?
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❹ Scannable from
Any Angle, Any Distance

Effortlessly scan barcodes from various angles and distances with our advanced technology. Our scanner adapts to your environment, allowing for quick and accurate scans whether you're up close or meters away. This flexibility enhances productivity in diverse workplace settings, from warehouses to retail floors.
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  1. 스캔할 수 있는 최대거리(바코드라벨과 카메라간 거리)가 어떻게 될지?
  1. angle은?


➎ Supports All Symbologies

Enable the symbologies your application requires.

The barcode types we offer are highly versatile and include:
  • QR, Data Matrix
  • ENA8, EAN13/UPC-A , UPC-E, Interleaved 2 of 5 (ITF), PDF417
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Tested and Proven by Fortune 500 Companies using
Samsung Knox Capture

Discover how businesses can leverage MachineEye to cut costs and improve worker efficiency.
Action Plan
[각 항목별 블로그페이지를 만들어서, MachineEye의 key features를 보다 상세히 다루기 - phase2]
phase 1에선,

*사실 Case Study를 다루고 싶지만… 삼성의 고객을 만나기엔 한계가 있어서 이에 대한 대안책
  • Retail: 여러 각도 인식 기능 강조하면서 마지막엔 카드 OCR 언급
  • Logistics and Transportation: multi-barcode scanning 기능 강조
    • From Warehouse to Delivery - how multi-barcode scanner is used
  • Healthcare: tiny label 스캔 기능 강조
  • Hospitality and Food Services: 오픈소스보다 우월한 점 강조
  • Public Sector & Border Control: 전용 스캐너보다 우월한 점 강조
  1. Samsung Knox Capture을 활용해서 retail용 바코드 스캐너로 사용한 사례가 있는지?
  1. Samsung Knox Capture 의 고객사 리스트 파악이 되는지? 사례로 언급해도 될지…?
  1. Samsung Knox Capture가 지원되는 최저사양의 폰은?

Easy to Integrate, Add New Options, and Scale

There’s no need for a complex system overhaul.
We’ve fine-tuned our MachineEye Barcode Scanner down to the smallest details Samsung demands. You can effortlessly integrate our pre-built solution, already perfected to meet Samsung’s exacting standards, or customize it to suit your preferences.

Need additional tweaks? Just let us know—we’re here to help with any customization you require.
➊ Simply Integrate Barcode Capture to your application
via our SDK
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➋ Request customized features tailored precisely to meet your unique needs.
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➌ Enable and Explore
other Scanning Options,
including Passport Scanner
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논의가 필요한 사항
integration 자체가 쉽다는 것을 강조하고 싶으나, 그 정확한 범주 등을 알지 못하고 통상적으로 easy integration을 강조할 경우 documentation page가 홈피에 같이 올라오지만….(음음 이런 상대적으로 보완이 필요한 사항들은 따로 정리하자.)

MachineEye Scans it all

Looking for more than just barcode scanning? Our solution goes beyond barcodes—capturing QR codes, IDs, credit cards, and more. Choose the complete package or tailor it to fit only what you need.
개별 페이지로 넣기 - phase 1에선 Debit/Credit Card만
Q - QR code & Barcode를 분리하는 게 맞을지?


Ready to Transform the Way You Scan?

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Making Every Device Faster, Lighter, and Smarter.

Why Choose Quram
Our expertise in image processing has been honed over two decades, allowing us to develop cutting-edge solutions that transform everyday devices into powerful scanning tools. We've perfected our technology to be lightweight yet robust, ensuring that our software-based approach delivers unparalleled performance without the need for specialized hardware. This commitment to innovation and efficiency is at the core of our mission to make every device faster, lighter, and smarter.
[About Page 도입부]